Monday, January 31, 2011

cheater cheater pants on....?

so...i cheated- that really lasted long. but in theory i guess we would have to define cheating too right? is it emotional or physical?  I think you can do either or without being a cheater but once both get into play you not only have a problem but a label as well. 

i didnt even get to cheat with someone new and exciting- its an oldie but goodie which i guess just makes my life more cyclical then i thought possible. maybe im addicted to my ex's? and cheating? I cant even think of the last time i hooked up with a new guy, the old ones just consume the majority of my time. If i meet a new guy at a bar and then an old one comes in, why wouldnt i go for the old one? i already know its a shoe in right? i guess its just an insecurity thing.

so are we going to cheat and tell? hell no, i'm not ready to break my poor boys heart- plus its not like i slept with the guy, just a few innocent makeout sessions. when we get to sex then i guess we should probably have a sit down conversation with the boyfriend ( who i use to cheat WITH on one of my older boyfriends- but that's neither here nor there). Once a cheater always a cheater? pretty much might just be the story of my life. I always want what i cant have, probably just addicted to the chase. 

I was watching yes to the dress the other day running and randy, the extremely logical and talenteddress associate of Kleinfelds, was giving advice to one of the brides who kept "falling in love" with different dresses. He goes to her " Once you find a man you love you stop looking- otherwise you would just find another one and fall in love with him too and another one and another one." Obviously he was referencing a dress and not her actual love life but i never seem content in what i do have, which is always a perfect boyfriend, and just keep moving on. At least it provides constant entertainment. I know i shouldn't have a boyfriend if i act and feel this way but really ignorance is bliss and since no one is reading this blog anyway, its just between me and you - right bill gates?


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