Monday, July 25, 2011

Patience is a Virtue

I've never had patience, never ever ever. I was that crazy kid that looked like someone fed them ecstasy and was screaming their head off  all the time and was a parents worst nightmare of a play date.

patience was never my virtue.

But as I have grown older patience has come to me out of pride. I see girl obsessing and throwing themselves at guys and I think to my self "why doesn't anyone tell these girls they look like fools. " Since I realized that in high school I have always subconsciously played hard to get. I never text first, I never hound a guy, I take what they're saying at face value 100% of the time- and here I am now, with more guys then I can handle and more stories then I can even remember to tell.

This patience subject has a point I promise-
Tim came back the old bastard. After I completely wrote him off too. I sent him one nasty text message that made me feel satisfied, throwing around all the good words, asshole, incompetent, bitch and then just deleted his number. Deleted to the point that I had no recent calls, no voicemails no nothing.  two weeks later don't I get a drunk text on a Wednesday night with one word:


why? really?? why- thats what your jump off point is going to be? alrite I can fuck with that. After some sarcastic text messages that aren't even interesting enough to disclose he wanted to hang out- but thank god I was busy for the weekend, even more hard to get.

we ended up hanging out one random week night and just catching up but I with held the sex card. No ones going to ignore me for 3 weeks and think I'm going to jump their bones the second they start talking to me again even if he is a tall cute basketball player and now he is up my ass like a dog in heat- you would think the kid is 14 years old again.

I'm in jersey shore this weekend so everyone pray for me please- as for Tim, guess he'll just have to wait for my drunk text message back.


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